sábado, 28 de agosto de 2010



Strategic planning is a very important business activity. It is also important in the public sector areas such as education. . Strategic planning and decision processes should end with objectives and a roadmap of ways to achieve them.
One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans. Most strategic plans address high level initiatives and over-arching goals, but don’t get articulated (translated) into day-to-day projects and tasks that will be required to achieve the plan. Terminology or word choice, as well as the level a plan is written, are both examples of easy ways to fail at translating your strategic plan in a way that makes sense and is executable to others. Often, plans are filled with conceptual terms which don’t tie into day-to-day realities for the staff expected to carry out the plan.

A. Categorias lexicales y uso del diccionario.
1. Selecciona un texto relacionado con tu area de interes. Identifica 3 palabras que no conoces.. agrega las abreviaciones.
core(n) = (adj) corazón, núcleo.    roadmap = (n) entre mapas.
arching = (n) arqueando
2. Idea principal del texto (en español)
3. Categorias lexicales: (2 ejemplos por categoria)
•Palabras de contenido:
•Verbos: is(, practiced(vi)

•Adverbio:  informally, easily

•Adjetivo:important, widely

•Artículo: the (indefinido), a(definido)
 •Palabras de Función:
•Preposiciones: to, of.

•Conjunción: and,  that, but.
•Cognados verdaderos: important, activity

•cognados Falsos: planning, develop

•Sufijo: translatable, formally

•Prefijos: over, executable

B. Estructura de la oracion: (2 ejemplos)

A) Frase nominal:Strategic planning is a very important business activity
a)1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: planning
2.Pre modificadores: Strategic
 post modificadores
B) Frase nominal One of the core goals when drafting a strategic plan is to develop it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans.
1.Nucleo de la frase nominal: plan
2.pre modificadores:One of the core goals when drafting a strategic

Frase verbal: is to develop it in a way that is easily translatable into action plans.

1.Nucleo de la frase verbal:  is
2.Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple.

Frase verbal:
1.Nucleo de la frase: is
2.Tiempo verbal: Presente Simple
4. Reflexion Final del curso (nueva entrada)

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